Rolando Castellon
“I feel like a tree”, says Rolando Castellon, and in order to describe himself, he makes a gesture of a plant that expands— in conversation with Paulo Herkenhoff, curator and museum director.

Artwork Details
Grasses: mixed media: grasses, found objects, dirt, 23″x16″
Detail of Grasses
Lost: mixed media on paper, 20″ x 22″
Untitled: wood, 17″ x 19″
Vote Pace: mixed media, found objects, dirt, 30″ x 47″
Detail of Vote Pace
Wall from Branner Spangenberg Gallery: mixed media, found objects, dirt, 20” x 16”, 2016
Detail of Wall from Branner Spangenberg Gallery 2016
Rolando Castellon at Branner Spangenberg Gallery, by Peter Foley, 2016
Rolando Castellon at Branner Spangenberg Gallery, by Peter Foley, 2016
Rolando Castellon, by Susan Friedman