“I hope my paintings evoke something in the viewer…maybe speak to a feeling, an experience, a sense of quiet.”
Marianne Lettieri is a Palo Alto artist whose art, after many years of working in psychology with people and their relationships, is drawn to the human figure and portraits. She sketches in oil, charcoal, ink and pastel and paints in oil, acrylic and mixed media. She has a studio at her home in Palo Alto and one with the Linden Street Warehouse in Redwood City. “Sometimes I start to sketch or paint when I see an interaction among people on the street, or a person moving in an evocative way, and sometimes I begin with no thought but to work on certain skills, such as drawing the eyes and nose in proportion to each other, catching the shape of the mouth…and suddenly I am intrigued by the expression on the person’s face: a sense of hope or of bitterness, a pout , a look of resignation or a sense of peace and I wonder, ‘can I capture that?’ I hope my paintings evoke something in the viewer…maybe speak to a feeling, an experience, a sense of quiet.” Bonnie can be contacted about her work at henkelsluntz@pacbell.net
Art Work Details
Mushroom Lady, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
Brad, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
Caressa, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
Mother and Child, 30” x 40”, mixed media.
Sandy, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
The Sikh Gardener, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
Sonya, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
Waiting for Someone, 20” x 16”, oil on canvas.
Walking for Water, 28” x 22”, oil on canvas.
Watching, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.
The Winemaker, 12” x9”, oil on canvas.
Why, 12” x 9”, oil on canvas.