Dorothy Robinson, 2019 Artist

Dorothy Robinson is a  NY-based painter who thinks of her paintings as landscapes that explore the hardwired connection that exists between humans and earth. “To paint a landscape is to explore a terrain where internal and external realities meet and merge, hovering between representation and abstraction. Using oil paints that I mix from powdered pigments—many of which are derived from rocks and earth—I use broad strokes and gestural language to build up a surface. The addition and subtraction of paint creates unexpected terrain that accommodates a memory, a train of thought, or a slip of the hand. Plans and intentions disappear, while other impulses assert themselves, echoes of larger, invisible forces constantly at work in the world.”


Dorothy Robinson:  I received an MFA in painting from UC Berkeley. I have been awarded numerous residencies and grants, including the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, the Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Foundation, and the Pollock Krasner Foundation. For more: