
Stories about all of us. Tales of slithering, dark deeds; smarmy nonsense and sweet, sweet death.



"Art is a strange and risky business in which the maker never knows quite what he is making until he makes it." – R.G. Collingwood



The garden too is stuffed with growth and Fall’s last flowers, lush as a gambler throwing his stake into a last-ditch raise, holding cards he’s sure can’t lose.—Henri Bensussen, 2016 Poet


What’s a good story, well told?

What makes a story great? Does it ratchet emotions to extremes? Is it perfumed with exotic visuals? Must it always take you to a new place—or at least a place that’s new to you? More

SHR Speaks

Interested in having your work featured here? We are accepting art, short fiction, and poetry submissions right now. Check out SHR Submission